Post by Tim WardPost by tony sayer
That is exactly the purpose of planning committees - to overturn officer
recommendations from time to time.
In case anyone in this cam.misc group can help, what should one do if a
planning committee was misled?
The case in point is a new primary school built on the busy B1049 near
me (Histon) where residents objected on the grounds that there was
insufficient provision for parental drop-off at the school. The council
commissioned a professional report (excerpts below) that includes claims
that the on-site provision (a drop-off zone) was adequate for the amount
of traffic (around 150 drop-off vehicles) that would be generated.
Residents pointed out that the drop-off zone was inadequate and that the
school needed a parking area for parents, but there was no reply.
The drop-off zone has never and will never be used for that purpose - it
is too valuable as overflow parking for staff and visitors, and as a
safe zone for parents of children with special needs to park.
As a direct consequence, the drop-off vehicles are driving, turning and
parking in a side street (aptly named "Narrow Close") which also carries
one of the main flows of pedestrian, cycle and scooter traffic to the
school, to the dismay of other parents and residents.
We have tried talking to our local councillor and the relevant council
transport officers, but nothing has changed. As one cycling parent
commented to the police last time I met with them - "it is an accident
waiting to happen."
Is there any expectation that statements and reports produced at the
planning stage will be honoured? Is it a responsibility of the planning
committee to follow up, or does that lie elsewhere?
I have copied relevant extracts from the report below.
Cheers from Alan Jones.
The Transport Assessment parts 1 and 2 (28 Feb 2019) can be downloaded
From Transport Assessment part 1:
“5.5 Standards also indicate a waiting facility should be provided for
primary age children. A 20 or so space waiting will therefore be
provided, with this sizing having been previously discussed with C.C.C,
and based upon vehicles waiting at the site approximately 5 minutes with
a total of about 60 or so vehicles per fifteen minutes at peak times
(see Table 5.3). As such this is considered to be in line with standards”
“5.21 Based upon the above analysis, the number of vehicular
arrivals/departures associated with the school at morning/afternoon peak
times is summarized and tabulated in Table 5.3 below. This generation
was agreed at pre application stage with C.C.C.”
Table 5.3: Predicted Vehicle Generation at Peak Times
Period Time Arr Dep Total
0815-0830 18 18 36
0830-0845 65.5 65.5 131
0845-0900 65.5 65.5 131
1500-1515 65.5 65.5 131
1515-1530 65.5 65.5 131
1530-1545 18 18 36